Only in America…

…would men leave their iPads at home because they can’t carry them without looking girly. According to the New York Times, men are facing a difficult fashion choice.

“Women, they have purses to put this kind of stuff in; men don’t,” said André von Houck, a 22-year-old programmer from San Francisco. “I don’t want to carry any bags.” His solution: he simply leaves his iPad at home. “I don’t carry it anywhere.”

And of course macho American men can’t carry a “man purse,” or murse, because everyone knows that only effete European men do that.

For the record, I see quite a few men around here carrying shoulder bags, and they don’t look even slightly effete to me. They look like practical guys who don’t want to do something ridiculous like leave their iPads at home because they’re afraid of what others might think.

One strategy, touted on online forums, is to turn to macho surplus military gear. That advice led Foo Conner, a 25-year-old consultant from Pittsburgh, to buy a World War II-era Swiss ammunition case to carry around his iPad. “It had to be more masculine,” said Mr. Conner, who added that the bag is now nearly sold out online. Another popular choice: military map pouches.

Of course! Military stuff! The perfect solution. Whew, problem solved.

About Fletcher DeLancey

Socialist heathen and Mac-using author of the Chronicles of Alsea, who enjoys pondering science, politics, well-honed satire (though sarcastic humor can work, too) and all things geeky.
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5 Responses to Only in America…

  1. Ana_ñ says:

    Don’t worry, macho man, you can carry your iPad without any murse, buy a military style Utilikilt with a big pocket… and go commando in case you have to take a flight.

  2. E.P. says:

    Heh! This cracked me up! I’ve had this exact conversation with some of my guy friends who bemoan the fact that I can carry a purse. Their solution: the Jack Bauer bag.

    It can’t be girlie if Jack does it.

    Here’s where to look if you have no clue what I’m talking about:

  3. M. says:

    Our men have their iPads duck-taped to their chests when go out ;). No matter how manly a bag is it won’t save a battery from minus 20 C frost. So problem is solved by the weather :). Of course women keep their iPads in bags, because they have there portable heating system installed 😉

  4. Only in America . . . and South Africa . . . and probably Australia. And probably anywhere where men are supposed to be rugged and tough.

    In South Africa, I’ve also seen them use messenger bags. And here we get small backpacks specially designed for Notebooks and other electronic toys. Seems like carrying your stuff on your back is more acceptable.

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